GUS und CEEES präsentierten sich auf der AIRBAG 2018 in Mannheim
Anläßlich der alle zwei Jahre stattfindenden Airbag Tagung im Mannheimer Rosengarten präsentierte sich die GUS und die CEEES dem internationalen Publikum. Präsident Karl-Friedrich Ziegahn, KIT (rechts), Sabine Aref und Thomas Reichert vom Fraunhofer ICT standen allen Interessierten mit Rat und Tat zur Verfügung.
In parallel to the exhibition the 14th International Symposium on Sophisticated Car Safety Systems takes place.
Road safety is still a key concern for all the sectors involved, including car manufacturers, suppliers and regulators. Developments in vehicle and road user safety emphasize integral safety through the fusion of active and passive safety systems. Although the benefits are well known to experts, there is clearly a need for close cooperation between all interested parties. The 14th AIRBAG 2000+ Symposium in 2018 will again be a meeting place for engineers, scientists, legislators, managers and marketing experts to exchange information, to make and improve contacts, to stimulate further progress and to promote integral safety for road users on an impartial platform.
The Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology ICT is the leading independent research and development facility for airbag technology and testing. As a division of Fraunhofer, Europe’s largest organization for applied and contract research, the Fraunhofer ICT offers a unique event for the automobile industry, suppliers and public authorities.