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Environmental Testing and Engineering in Aerospace @ILA Berlin

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Environmental Testing and Engineering in Aerospace @ILA Berlin

ILA Berlin, Hall 6, Room Neptune, 6th June 2024, 10:00 – 13:00 h

Here you find the conference program and registration form


10:00 Welcome and introduction

Thomas Reichert, Fraunhofer ICT, Pfinztal, Germany
Giulio D‘Emilia, CEEES, University of L‘Aquila, Italy
Karl-Friedrich Ziegahn, GUS, KIT, Germany

10:15 P 1 Structural testing of Outer Wing Box with LRI and TP-ISC technologies
Blanca de Nicolás Urrutia, Airbus Defence and Space
Isabel Martín Hernando, FIDAMC, Getafe, Spain

10:40 P 2 Aircraft materials and structures impact testing – Environmental test conditions and damage assessment challenges
Manuel Gomez, Nelson Matos, Margarida Pinto
ISQ Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade, Porto Salvo, Portugal

11:05 P 3 Efficient and High-fidelity Full Wave Methods for Electromagnetic Interaction Problems on Large Platforms
Giulio Antonini, University of L‘Aquila, Italy

11:30 P 4 Transitioning from full-scale A/C to a drone EMC testing program
Hugo Tavares, Nelson Matos, Margarida Pinto
ISQ Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade, Porto Salvo, Portugal

11:55 P 5 Environmental Testing of Mg-Parts for Aviation Cabin Interior Applications (tbc)
Lorane Jammeron, Dassault Aviation, France
Haim Rosenson, Aero Magnesia, Israel
Thomas Reichert, Fraunhofer ICT, Germany

12:20 P 6 Hygrothermal Ageing Effects on the Mechanical Behaviour of 3D-Printed Thermoplastic Composite Structure
Antonios G. Stamopoulos, University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila, Italy
Jonathan Glinz, Sasha Senck, University of Applied Sciences Upper, Wels, Austria

12:45 Closing Remarks